About Balancing your life beside a Tech job
#balanceyourlife #howitstarted #myhobby #tourism #nature
I don’t go out much, love to stay indoors with my priorities. After all, a coder is always busy on his/her weekends also. Even I never went for a tour in my college days. But everything changed with my colleagues. Like everything I hesitated with the idea but I decided to give it a shot; and went to a beach.
I enjoyed the tour, the music, the food, the moments, and the vastness of nature so much; that I decided to try it out every month.
It was hard at first to sink with my professional life. But nature gave me so much energy that, I worked like a beast, and my gross income increased by double within a few months.
Many people think, a tour is expensive but they are wrong, with proper financial planning and circle, it can be a fit within your weekends. It also makes our body fit within long travels. And I complete most of the sleep on buss/air/boat. And I have no travel to deal with tiredness. Like many people, I also used to think it is necessary to get settled in life. But they try in a wrong way, like me. There is no safety net in this world. The only safety is polishing your skill every day and getting handsome pay and proper financial planning.
What is the best thing about traveling — you never know what is coming next. And you can’t share all the stories and show off. You will get all the privacy to fix yourself. And you start becoming colorful and loving to yourself. Your physical fitness starts to adopt nature. And your chance of survival in this world increase by double. And my best friend made me realize, that I can not have youth all my life. So, I have to climb all the mountains and dive deep into the sea, before age calls me for retirement. And the biggest lesson about traveling is — becoming happy and living in the moment. As you are convinced to understand that, it is not the savings but learning to make more money, that always makes you rich. And the more you become miser, the more you become poor. As your heart becomes too weak to make new friends. The richer your heart is, more the people you gain at the end of the day. And sharing makes your life more peaceful and pleasant end of the day.
What is the biggest satisfaction and skill that comes from touring -
You take every challenge in a very calm way. And you can not be happy with materials but memories. And rich spend on experiences, not on belongings as they don’t need to show off. Becoming rich is a continuous growth mindset and journey, it has nothing to do with material or belonging.
Remember, the richer your heart is, more the people you gain at the end of the day.