Elevating User Engagement: Harnessing Laravel Queues for Email Delivery

Shaon Majumder
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


In the realm of modern web development, fostering robust user engagement stands as a cornerstone of success. One potent avenue for cultivating this engagement is through timely and personalized email communications. However, as your user base burgeons, the task of email delivery can swiftly become a bottleneck, impeding the responsiveness of your application. Fear not, for Laravel, the stalwart PHP framework, offers a solution: Laravel Queues. In this illuminating tutorial, we’ll embark on a journey to master the art of leveraging Laravel Queues for email delivery, ensuring seamless communication with your users while maintaining optimal application performance.

Prerequisites: Before delving into the intricacies of email delivery with Laravel Queues, ensure you’re equipped with the following:

  • Proficiency in PHP and a working knowledge of Laravel framework.
  • Composer installed on your development environment.
  • A Laravel application up and running (if not, refer to the official Laravel installation guide to set it up).

Step 1: Configuring Laravel Queue for Email Delivery 1.1. Queue Configuration: Open your .env file and configure the queue connection to utilize Laravel's queue system. Update the following line:


1.2. Migrations: Laravel simplifies the process with migrations. Execute the following commands in your terminal to prepare the necessary tables for queue management:

php artisan queue:table
php artisan migrate

Step 2: Creating an Email Job Class 2.1. Job Class Creation: Invoke Laravel’s artisan command to craft a job class specifically for email delivery:

php artisan make:job SendEmail

A new job class named SendEmail will be created under the App\Jobs directory.

2.2. Defining Email Logic: Open the SendEmail class (App\Jobs\SendEmail.php) and define the email logic within the handle method. Customize the email content and recipient as per your application's requirements:

public function handle()
$user = $this->user;
Mail::to($user->email)->send(new WelcomeEmail($user));

Step 3: Dispatching Email Jobs 3.1. Dispatching Email: With our email logic encapsulated within the SendEmail job class, let's dispatch email tasks from our application logic. For instance, from a controller method:

public function sendWelcomeEmail(Request $request)
$user = Auth::user(); // Retrieve the authenticated user
return response()->json(['message' => 'Welcome email sent successfully']);

Step 4: Processing Email Jobs 4.1. Worker Setup: Laravel’s artisan commands make it effortless to start a queue worker. Open a terminal window and execute the following command to initiate a worker:

php artisan queue:work

Your worker is now primed to process email tasks in the background, ensuring swift and reliable email delivery.

Conclusion: In this tutorial, we’ve ventured into the realm of Laravel Queues, harnessing their power for seamless email delivery. By offloading email tasks to the background queue, we ensure that our application remains responsive and our users receive timely communications. Experiment with personalized email templates, automate email sequences, and scale your email delivery infrastructure with confidence, armed with Laravel Queues. Elevate your user engagement to new heights, and let your application’s communication resonate with the hearts and minds of your users. Happy coding!



Shaon Majumder
Shaon Majumder

Written by Shaon Majumder

Software Engineer | Author | Data Scientist

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